Wednesday, May 14, 2008

incongruously incorrigible

.... a term that my very good friend T came up with today... as part of a rather sensible conversation we were having...

why do people do the things they do? is it because they believe in their actions? or is it because they believe that their actions are right because others seem to think so? have people today lost their sense of individuality... have they succumbed to the whole "go with the flow" trend??

does doing something that a lot of people believe to be right make it right? to what extent should we adjust our belief systems to live in harmony with society? WHY should we adjust our belief systems? why cant we live in a world where everyone respects one another's differing ideals... is it really that impossible to accept someone who is different?

look around you... do you notice a common thread that links you and your closest group of friends?? do the people you DO NOT associate with have something in common? are we victims of stereotyping??

when i look around.. i find that all around me are people who have very unique qualities and could be such beautiful people.. but have fallen prey to the horrible condition of "groupthink"... they have lost most individuality and exist just as one other X. i am surrounded by millions of these X and at times i feel claustrophobic... trapped in a never ending spiral of X that try to suppress me... something that holds me back from being myself.... from being ME!!

life's too short to expect people to understand and accept you... it gets even shorter if you try and be like them... so i urge you today... to forget about all the societal norms and what people of society perceive to be 'right'... after all .. that perception isnt the truth.. its just the effect of the opinions of a large group of people..... its a never ending cycle... very similar to the question of what came first.. the chicken or the egg??

speaking of eggs, i went out to a yaki tori (japanese food) restaurant today and had some amazing stuff... some of it was just... well, lets just say i didnt like some of the dishes.. but some of the others were fabulous... my advice, if you're trying japanese food for the first time... go with an expert... experimenting isnt the way to go..

so back to the more philosophical stuff..

remember, adjusting and improving yourself is not wrong... in fact, its recommended... but changing yourself and trying to be someone you're not just to gain 'acceptance' is plain foolishness... in life, if you love who you are... or what you are... dont think twice about what people say... no one is ever satisfied or happy no matter how much you try... its your life.. you're only going to live it once.. live it the way you want to and you'll have no regrets...

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